_User.getUserArticles(userGUID, offset, limit)
Function to get the articles created by a user.
Example Usage
{% set userArticles = _User.getUserArticles('98a233c1-bbd2-483c-9f6d-030469934914', 0, 10) %}
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
userGUID | string | yes | GUID of the user |
offset | int | no | Offset of the records |
limit | int | no | limit of the records |
Response Example
"title":"This is one article",
"excerpt":"This is H1 headingThis is H1 headingThe charge, laid by ICC chief executive David Richardson, related to clause 2.2.9 of the ICC's Code of Conduct, which deals with \"changing the condition of the ball\" in breach of the Laws of Cricket. The Laws of...</span>",
"publishDate":"Nov 28 2016",
"title":"My channel",
"label":"My channel"
Response Description
An array of feeds
Attribute | Description |
articleId | ID of the article |
guid | GUID of the article |
title | Title of the article |
excerpt | Short description of the article |
url | Absolute URL of the article |
hasMedia | Whether the article has image |
publishDate | Published date of the article |
readingTime | Reading time of the article in minutes |
label | Title of the blog |
featuredMedia | Featured image of the article |
createdBy | Creator of the article |
blog | Article blog |
channel | Channel Details |
total | Stats of the article |
Creator Details
Attribute | Description |
username | Username |
displayName | Name of the user |
media | Image of the user |
Blog Details
Attribute | Description |
id | Blog ID |
title | Blog title |
url | Blog URL |
Channel Details
Attribute | Description |
id | Channel ID |
title | Channel title |
Image Details
Attribute | Description |
guid | GUID of the image |
id | Cloudinary Cloud ID of the image |
cloudName | Cloudinary Cloud name |
path | Cloudinary Cloud path of the image |
Stats Details
Attribute | Description |
share | Article shares |
Updated over 5 years ago